And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Infrequently updated, uninteresting blather.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

My plastic heart cannot love

Muskrat's Dating Tip of the Day: When you tell someone you're not looking for a relationship, you just want to date, and they tell you, "Let's just play it by ear," that is the moment you run away. That person wants a relationship and thinks that the solution is to wait around long enough until you come around. Bad, bad, bad.

Bonus Dating Tip: Chill out and don't overestimate what you mean to someone. Physical stuff does not imply emotional connection, so just appreciate what you have for what it is. You don't always have to worry that whomever you're involved with is expecting an emotional commitment from you, or even wants it at all, ever. Avoid the appearance of arrogance by not assuming that someone who wants your body wants your heart, as well.

I'm learning oh so much these days, don't you think? My current aversion to romantic and emotional connection with dating partners (and the subsequent disasters it causes) is actually nudging me towards a certain relationship in which lack of love and commitment would be a prerequisite for that relationship's existence. I don't know if I should go there, but it may be just what the doctor ordered. I'll let you know after Wednesday night.

In other news, I'm considering a move to New York City after July. Z just got into Brooklyn Law School, and we've discussed my getting a job there and being her roomie. I've always wanted to live there, and why not when I've got a year to kill before grad school? Then, if I get into NYU (which won't happen), I'll have residency. I'm also considering applying to the University of Toronto Comparative Literature department; I could be a Canadian! It's so exciting that I have no idea what's going to happen after AmeriCorps. I'm not even that nervous about it.

In other news, tomorrow night I'm going to see Anea and Sarah for dinner, and then I'm meeting J and Fructose at Emo's to see Patton Oswalt (kick-ass comedian). Weekend plans are shaping up for good times with Liz and Starr up in Round Rock, and hopefully a rehearsal of our new band formed at work. We've got:

J: Rhythm guitar
M: Lead guitar
Muskrat: Vox
D: Keys

You'll notice I'm the only one without an instrument. Maybe I'll call Elliot and ask to borrow his mandolin. Er...maybe not.

Enjoy your spring break, all. I wish I still had one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop by Williamsport, PA on your way and have dinner with us and the new baby!

6:38 AM  

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