And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Infrequently updated, uninteresting blather.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Check it and see. I got a fever of a hundred and three.

I think this my be my first time ever to blog while sick. I woke up this morning (with the sun down, shinin' in, I found my mind in a brown paper bag within) with a fever and a cough. I called into work bravely asserting that I would be there in a few hours to teach my class, but I gave up on that not long ago. C, our program coordinator, is going to teach the class for me, which filled me with enough relief to rest here comfortably at home. I was worried that J, my sweaty, awkward, lisping, male co-worker would end up teaching both my class and his, which would be bad for my poor students. His classes are already horribly slow and uncomfortable, and if you add 12 students to his roster, things are only going ot get worse.

I'll have to cancel plans this evening at the Spiderhouse with Andrew (Rachel's friend), which makes me sad. I've been looking forward to hanging out with him all week. He's turning out to be a very interesting, funny, intelligent person, and I regretted waiting so long to call him. Rachel must have given me his number about 10 times since I moved down here, and I was just too shy to call him up. Now, he's a great new part of my life and every time I see him, I meet about five new people. It's really exciting. Oh, and he has curly hair, which as you all know is one of my favorite things in the world. I reached up the other night to pull one out and watch it boing back, but doing so made me think about Courtney and I had to pound a beer to keep from choking up. I saw her picture on facebook the other day; she straightened her hair. That made me sad, too, although she looked pretty.

On a happier note, my new co-worker M is a delight! I hung out w/ her Saturday night, and we had a blast. She plays the guitar, loves singing in harmony, loves bluegrass, and is, like me, a semi-fallen Christian. I couldn't have dreamed up a more ideal friend. I've always wanted someone to sit around and sing in harmony with; Laura and I used to do that sometimes, and it was quite enjoyable. Since I was raised in a church where everyone sang in four/five part harmony all the time with no musical instruments, I grew to love harmony in a way that I think most people can't grasp. I'm looking forward to getting together with her and harmonizing to Ricky Skaggs tunes with her and her roomies, who are also apparently good singers. Yay!

Alright, I'm getting back in bed. Once again, thanks to Laura for Saved by the Bell; it's getting me through this day, too. You rock my socks off.


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