And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Infrequently updated, uninteresting blather.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Long Train Runnin'

Well, cats, things are looking up for your Muskrat Lover. Elliot is coming in on the train tonight at 8:20, sans beard/mustache, wearing new clothes, and laden with gifts for his lovin' lady. Let's hear it for the boy! My apartment is nearly clean, I have all the dishes done, and I'm getting off work at 3:30 instead of 5:00. Life is grood. (Grood = Great + Good)

I regret that it's been so long since I've posted, but I don't really like it when the only thing people post on their blogs is "Nothing much is happening. I took a looong nap today, which was kewl. Other than, just chillin' and watching Gilligan's Island reruns. Call the cell if you want to chill this weekend. In the meantime, read this pointless quiz I took that reveals what Saved By the Bell character I am. Peace out." So I went ahead and abstained from boring you. It's been hard for me to get motivated to write on this thing because I'm worried that no one really reads it. I think each entry from now on I will reveal some dark secret of a friend of mine. If that person calls me up to scream at me, I'll know they read my blog.

This week the dark secret will be about Akbar Siddiqui. It's not that bad because it involves me. I want to confess to everyone whom I was friends with in high school--do you remember that night everyone in our group of friends got toilet-papered? Well, Akbar and I lied when we said our houses were rolled, too. We actually did everyone else's; it took us hours and tons of toilet paper, but we got every single one of you. Terry Tidwell was spared because he helped us near the end. Ha-HA!

Ooh, this is fun. I almost can't wait until the next posting to reveal more secrets! If Akbar leaves a comment or calls, I'll know he's reading this.

If any of you are addicted to blog-reading, I have some recommendations. The first is Girl With a One Track Mind. This is a blog by a complete nymphomaniac, and I mean that quite literally. This girl is either a) having sex, b) thinking about sex, c) masturbating, d) hitting on someone, or e) blogging about all of the above. Why am I recommending this site? I know that all of us uptight folks like to live vicariously through the fascinating sinners of the world. If you're not into reading about anonymous, voracious sex, then check out voracious drug use at El Bloggo del Jefe. This is a friend of Rachel's, and he is highly entertaining. I recommend you start reading the Sketchy Bill story from beginning to end. When you finish, you'll feel like you just completed a long adventure, like the way you felt the first time you saved the princess on Super Mario Bros.

I'll try to keep you updated, but El and I may be in a love-cocoon for the next week. Leave a comment, if only this once, so that I know people are actually reading this and I'm not just writing it for Ed, Cathy, and Todd Murray.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of only me reading your blog, you might want to stop taking veiled shots at me, or you might be down by one in terms of regular readers. My vengeance is swift and furious.


3:20 PM  
Blogger Jefe said...

Great Googly Moogly--someone actually reads that stuff? Thanks!


3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you just imply my attention reading your articles somehow isn't sufficient reason to continue writing? You obviously have forgotten my importance in your life. . . three Hail Marys and one Our Father for penance, please.


9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I post in a comment about how I read it, can you skip the revealing entry about me? That would be great. I called you today, but didn't know you would be in the love cocoon, so give me a call afterwards. I really, really like this guy who is leaving in 2 weeks for Yale Law School, and last night a group of us went out (so much fun) but it ended up just the two of us in his car talking for an hour and a half in my work parking lot. One of my fave nights so far, I think. If only he'd kiss me, things would be perfect. Right now, though, with being good friends, is pretty darn close.
-Courtney Jo

5:36 PM  

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