And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Infrequently updated, uninteresting blather.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So I guess I'll need to end this blog, much to my disappointment. I'm having several people checking the blog from Austin IP addresses, and that's the last thing in the world I want. The whole point of this thing was to let my friends in other parts of the country/world know what was going on with me in Austin. It is not meant to be something that people down here look at or know anything about. Z told me that she found it once and hasn't looked at it since, but the temptation has got to be strong to go back again. If I found someone's blog and they didn't know, I would never tell them. I'd just keep checking it to see what they said about me. But then again, I'm a horrible person.

I don't know what to do. I guess I could get a livejournal and go friends only, but I hate livejournal. I love my site here, my pretty background dots, my life story over the months I've lived here, my pictures. But I can't talk about anything that really matters to me if I'm always afraid that the wrong person will see it. At that point, you just end up blogging about how tired you are or how bored, work, what you saw on TV, random thoughts that you have (which can be good, but only to a certain point), and so on. That's not what I want to do. I like sharing personal things about my life with my friends, and I like being able to do it without 20 individual phone calls and emails a week. Apparently, this is too much to ask. As they say, if you don't want someone to know about it, don't write it down.

This may or not be my last posting then. I'll let you all know what I end up doing.


Blogger Jefe said...

Don't stop. Granted, you have to be a bit more... circumspect... about what you talk about, but there's plenty else to discuss other than your immediate friends and...romantic situation.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I had saved your site to my site, because your a good writer. I read this entry and couldn't help but to agree with you. There are people from my former work environment that mocked me with it and they refussed to mention that they knew anything of it. The secret of it made them tune it often. They repeated much of what I said on my blogs as indirect comments through out the day. It was the most childish act from an adult I've ever seen. It's hard to have privacy on live journals, especially if it's someone you see and know. Strangers it doesn't matter, what are they to you anyways. There's just certain people we wouldn't discuss half the stuff we write about, because we know them . If you do set sail, I liked your expressive writings. :-)

10:52 PM  

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