And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Infrequently updated, uninteresting blather.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

You feelin' strong? Fuerte?

LauraSkills and I have identified the problem at the bottom of my non-blogging: my standards are too high for entries. I always feel that the things I write have to be substantial, interesting, funny, well-written, and intelligent. (Ed, save yourself a comment about how I never achieve this.) I don't just randomly update with meaningless but funny happenings of my day, and I don't do stupid online quizzes. I've decided that I should lower the standards a bit and update more often with shorter entries. Here's the quick run-down of my life:

Career: Still unhappy with my VISTA position, but things are getting a little better.

Love: Elliot and I are about to finish "The Month of Realness," an entire month of brutal honesty with each other. We decided that we were falling into Perfect Couple mode, where we always had to pretend we were perfectly happy even when we weren't. The Month went surprisingly well, and we've come out on the other end much stronger. The Month is expected to turn into a Lifetime of Realness--it was a trial run for a more permanent mode of operation. REAL!!

Family: Going to Tulsa for Thanksgiving. E-licious will join me, but Ed has refused my invitation. He'll probably spend his holiday with that ass-faced friend of his that wishes he was cool enough to be with LauraSkills. Anyway, Thanksgiving should be fun since we're having it at Grandma's house; she has the nice china and cloth napkins. Our dining room table, in contrast, has maybe two chairs (we used to have six) and it looks like it fell off the back of a truck. And cloth napkins? Not on your life--Mom's into disposable everything. If it can't be thrown away, it doesn't belong in our house.

Friends: Since I moved here, everyone I know has suddenly become a sex fiend, hooking up left and right. Purity scores are plummeting; remember to wear condoms!

Feet: Getting kind of calloused. Could use a nice pedicure.

Religion: Occasionally pray to Jesus when I think I'm about to get in a wreck.

Health: Thinking about getting one of those plastic pill things with the days of the week on it. Undecided.

Finances: Food Stamps renewal should be coming any day now. Until then, I'm eating your mom's cooch.

Alright, we just crossed a line. I'll be back with more low-quality shiznit later in the week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things:
1) I assume I'm one of the friends you were referring to. I would like to point out that you are the second person in the past week to call me a sex fiend (the other was actually having sex with me at the time). I think I might be proud.

2) I read the part about food stamps and thought you were going to eat my mom's couch, so I didn't understand why a line was crossed. Then I reread it, and I understand. Perhaps you shouldn't eat either.

BTW, thanks much for updating. I just put a stupid meme up on mine, but it was one I had fun doing, and I think you might actually learn something new about me from it.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but why am I getting bitched at for my friends not calling Laura, when I was agains the whole endeavor from the beginning? I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!

Friggin' Jous

2:31 PM  

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