And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Infrequently updated, uninteresting blather.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cancer can be funny

So I have a job working to raise money for blood cancer research: lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin's, and so on. I thought that this would make me feel like a good person, but today I had what is possibly one of the worst moments of my life, at least as far as seeing myself for what I really am.

I had called the principal of a school yesterday, but her secretary told me she was out sick. I called back today, told her who I was, and asked if she was feeling better. "Actually, I wasn't sick," she replied, "I was out yesterday because my brother-in-law died of lymphoma."

Now, what do you think was the first thought to go through my head? Was it: Wow, that's horrible? Was it: That poor woman, she must be so sad? Something along those lines?

No. It was "Oh, good, she'll probably sign up with our fundraiser now."

A few seconds later, the realization of what a blackened, evil soul I had came crashing down on me so hard that I could barely contain the hysterical laughing/crying that came when I finally hung up the phone a few minutes later. I turned to my fellow fundraiser and told her what I had done, hoping that by confessing it I could be forgiven. Her name is Angel; I think I'm going to change my name to Demon.

I think I've hit some sort of cynical rock-bottom. I've been listening to David Cross albums lately, and two of my favorite lines have been:

"Raising kids isn't hard. You know what's hard? Talking your girlfriend into her third consecutive abortion."

"[talking about how much he hates the band Creed] I would rather hear the death rattle of my only child than listen to that shit."

I don't think that good people laugh at that sort of thing. The people in the audience on the CD sound pretty horrified, and I'm sure there was a time that I would have been one of them. No more. I have crossed a line, and only a conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints could bring me back over the line at this point. Help me, Joe. Show me the way.

Give money to cancer research, by the way. Just because there's a hurricane doesn't mean every other charity should have to go under.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Cross is good for those "I'm a terrible person for laughing but I can't resist" moments. One in particular is on "Shut Up, You Fucking Baby!" where he's talking about the priesthood and says it's at least partially the fault of the kids because they're so alluring with their innocence and sweetness (which is bad enough), but then he says, with respect to their tushies:

"God made it, God made that perfect ruby starfruit! Don't tell me..."

Then the audience cuts him off with much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Ay Dios mio!

- The Man They Call "El Heelays"

11:23 PM  

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