And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Infrequently updated, uninteresting blather.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Emails at Work, Part 1


I would like for you to read this email I just received. It is my belief after reading it that the man who wrote it is actually an alien posing as an insurance agent. Note my comments below.

From: Larry ----
To: (Muskrat)
Subject: Assitance with mailing

This is Larry with ------. Our remote system is down so this is my personal email. Can you give me a price on stuffing about 125 envelopes for a mailout.

Respond to this email please.

Take the time today to listen to a child.
Larry ----

The whole email is utterly strange, definitely like someone trying to sound like a human but not quite succeeding. He hasn't yet learned the lesson on question marks, and he doesn't realize that his name will already appear both in my inbox and also in his signature, thus rendering the greeting "this is Larry" completely superfluous. The most interesting part is the line "Respond to this email please." What did he think was going to happen if he didn't type that sentence? That I would just read the email and say, "Well, he clearly asked me a question and needs a response, but nowhere in this email did he directly ask me to respond, therefore as much as it pains me to leave him in the dark, I will simply have to ignore his email and hope that the answer comes to him another way"?

I don't want space invaders in my executive office suite, Sarah. I will not stand for it.


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